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Blogging Guru Blueprint – Getting Started
 “Blogging Guru” is created with the intention of producing a course that virtually ANYONE can use to develop a 5-figure business per year, with the goal of making between $1,000 to $,5000 per month.

How To Build A 5-Figure Online Blogging Business

Here’s simple overview:

1. Choose Your Niche / Topic 2. Build Your Website 3. Create Your Content 4. Monetize Your Website 5. Drive Traffic 6. Optimize & Improve 
 This guide is focused on the first part – Choosing Your Niche/Topic.

 Conceptually, the “Blogging Guru” is simple & straightforward: launch your blog, build the site using the content you created, add links to related affiliate products or offers to earn commission, then get the attention of people interested in the topic.
 Visitors show up to browse the content, and some percentage click through and buy from your affiliate links, thereby generating your profits.
 The Blueprint breaks this down into a series of digestible and doable steps, building one on top of the next, until you have your business up, running, and generating revenues.
 None of these steps is terribly complex or mystical; in fact, most have many ways to accomplish them, even many ‘right’ ways. But the difference between just ‘doing’ them, and doing them in a way that gets the results we’re after, while often subtle, are absolutely the difference between success & failure.
 There are many ways to choose a niche, build a site, and drive traffic, but only a few will that result in strong, continuous conversions – the sales that produce your profits.
 What the Blueprint is, in essence, is the end-result of a LOT of testing, trial & error, and collective experience, distilled down to a formula – and saving you the time, expense, and frustration of having to figure it all out on your own. You get to ‘leapfrog’ that whole process, and go right to what works.

 Choosing Your Blog’s Niche/ Topic

Your niche or topic is the basis of your website – it’s what your blog will be about, it’s “Reason For Being”.
 Choose the ‘wrong’ niche, and the best you can hope for is a constant struggle; more likely you’ll simply fail.
 Choosing the ‘right’ niche won’t, by itself, insure success, but it is the single biggest determining factor, and what drives all subsequent steps.
 If there’s anything ‘hard’ about picking your niche, it’s having to choose from so many excellent potential opportunities.
 Once you know how to come up with and qualify niche ideas, the real fun begins – because as you’ll see, there are a near-infinite number of good, lucrative niche site ideas waiting to be exploited. Your biggest problem will be deciding which to pursue! 
 That said, I often hear from people who are just starting out that choosing a niche is difficult or frustrating – even mindboggling.
 The four most common “complaints” I hear are:
 • Not knowing where to begin; • Not being able to come up with good ideas • Not knowing if an idea will be profitable; • Not knowing if an idea is achievable. 

RFB: Your “Reason For Being”

One of the most important aspects of choosing your niche or topic is your RFB – your “Reason For Being”.
 RFB is the reason your website exists, the justification for visitors to go there. Without a good, clear RFB, you’re sunk before you even begin.
 RFB answers the question “why would someone take the time & effort to visit your blog”, shapes the approach you take, and dictates your content.
 Suppose you have a passion for animals, and decide you want to launch a blog in the ‘pets’ niche.

After brainstorming, looking around online, thinking about your own experiences, etc., you decide to create a site about keeping pets for apartment dwellers.
 Having lived in big cities and being a pet lover, you know there are unique challenges and restrictions for pet lovers in the city. 

Large or very active dogs, for instance, don’t typically do well living in an apartment. If it’s a walk-up, that poses additional challenges. Even tropical fish can pose problems – very large aquariums are immensely heavy and require firm, strong flooring underneath.

If you were to simply build a blog without consideration of your RFB, it would end up being a
hodge-podge of marginally-related articles, with little cohesion or connectedness.
 Looking at this example, however, you can come up with a clear, strong RFB: addressing the specific challenges facing apartment dwellers who want to have a pet or pets.
 Now, instead of assembling a hodge-podge of articles or videos, you can map out a strategy that will dictate your content:
 • Dog breeds that adapt well to apartment living
 • Desensitizing your dog to noise & activity
 • Treadmills: exercising your dog when you can’t take him out
 • Etc, etc…

Your RFB provides the reason for someone to visit your site. The clearer and more specific your RFB, the better off you’ll be.
 An easier, obvious example is a review blog. 
 A blog reviewing coffee makers would have as it’s reason for being, comparing different coffee makers in order to make a purchase decision.
 Improving the RFB, we might instead build a review blog around a narrower, more specific choice, for example “Home Espresso Makers”.
 While there may be less people looking, it will be
considerably easier to get and convert visitors looking to find out about and purchase a “Home Espresso Maker” than just a generic “Coffer Maker”.

Whatever niche or topic you decide on, make sure you frame it with a clear, specific RFB.

 Passion & Knowledge

Knowledge and interest are crucial characteristics for success.
 If you don’t know what you’re talking about, it’s nearly impossible to build an effective niche blog. 

You simply won’t be able to keep your blog viable if you don’t have knowledge of the topic that your site is built around!

Fortunately, you don’t necessarily need to be an expert already – as you’ll see, it’s relatively easy to become competent – even expert – in any but the most technical topics.
 What you will need, if you don’t have the knowledge or familiarity already, is the willingness to learn.

That’s where interest comes in.
 For instance, there's a lot of money to be made in affiliate commissions on sales of miter saws.

And the fact is, if you have a website on wood working, you'll learn quite a bit about saws in a very short amount of time, certainly enough to know more than someone looking to buy one.
 But can you honestly see yourself maintaining enough interest in miter saws to keep at it for the long haul? Probably not.
 This is why we choose only niches that we find interesting on some level. It doesn’t need to be a burning passion, but is does need to be a topic that will sustain your interest.
 And common misconception that you have to base your blog  on something that you are already expert or at least very knowledgeable about.
 As long as the topic is one that will sustain your interest, you do not need to already be an expert. As mentioned, developing enough expertise is actually fairly simple if you’re willing to apply yourself.

Instant Expert

So, how do you select a niche? 

This is a subject that’s kind of tough to outsource, because it’s all about you. But pick a subject that you can imagine yourself having an interest in over time, and it'll be easier for you to separate good content from worthless content, answer questions from people who
visit the blog (or at least find answers), create content and intelligently edit hired writers, and stick with it if things don't go your way initially.

Where To Begin: Brainstorming

We begin by ‘brainstorming’ – creating a list of potential niche candidates.
 What makes a viable ‘candidate’? 
 Here are the characteristics we’re looking for:
 • Not too big, and not too small – we’ll go over how to determine this.
 • Availability of affiliate products and/or services.
 • A topic you are either already familiar with, or is interesting enough to you that you’re willing to learn about it.

The best way to start our list is to write down topics we already have some familiarity with, interest in, expertise in, etc.
 As an example of a list of someone could be:
 • Camping   • Scuba Diving   • Playing Guitar   • Model Building 
• Computer Graphics   • Writing   • Dogs   • Salt Water Aquariums  • Star Trek • Paintball • Motivation

If you’re having trouble starting, try asking yourself these questions:
 • What hobbies, interests, or sports do I like to pursue?   • What am I expert or very knowledgeable about?   • What jobs have I had that I was good at, or had a real interest in?   • What issues or ideas am I passionate about? 

But remember – the most important part is to GET STARTED.
 You could improvise along the way, or even change your niche if necessary!
 But if you don’t launch your blog, you will not be able to start your online business.
 Make it a GOAL to have your blog launch this week itself!
 Go ahead and download the Blogging Guru inside your
customer area and follow through the video training:
 I look forward to hear about your success story! J
 Warm regards,
 Patric Chan Creator, Blogging Guru

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